Sorry guys.
Unfortunately, this isn’t written in the Bible.
We’ve all heard this phrase when others want to encourage us to get to work to receive God’s blessing.
We ask for something from God and figure the best thing to do is to lift ourselves by our bootstraps.
We believe that only then will God bless our efforts no matter what they are.
Even though this phrase isn’t in the bible specifically I think there is a story that demonstrates how we can act in faith knowing that God has already helped us.
The people of Israel had just been freed from captivity.
They had crossed the Red Sea.
A tough journey I must admit.
But the people of Israel came to a crossroads.
The land that God promised for them was inhabited.
And they got scared!
Of the 12 spies sent into the promised land, only two came back confident that God would keep his promise.
The English Standard Version describes their response as grumbling (Num. 14:27).
God has brought us all this way just for us to die here in the wilderness when we could have just died in Egypt!
They were disobedient and God was fed up.
He told them to kick rocks and walk around the wilderness for 40 years since they thought He didn’t have their best interest at heart.
The Israelites then tried to change their mind and fight “In the name of the Lord”.
And they lost.
They thought that God helps those who help themselves.
But the reality is that God doesn’t need you to help yourself.
He wants you to act on how He has already helped you as a faith-building exercise.
God didn’t need the Israelites to fight.
He wanted them to fight as an example that He has their backs.
According to the spies, the people in the promised land were like Giants.
What better way for God to continue to show his grace, mercy, and love than this?
Save you from slavery in Egypt, Cross the Red Sea, and fight foes 3 times your size?
It’s true, God doesn’t help those who help themselves.
But rather,
God helps those who rely on His help AND act on his promises.
This is an endless circle because you can know his promises without hearing his voice.
And you won’t hear his voice as clearly as you can if you don’t spend time with him.
Spend time with God.
Listen for his voice.
He will take care of you.
Don’t help yourself and then ask God to bless you.
Ask for God’s blessing and watch him help you fulfill His will.
Like the Lord’s prayer says,
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done.
I challenge us all to surrender to God’s help so that He can help us accomplish what He has for us.
G. Banks
See, the Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 1:21